Lawyer specializing in insurance law

Insurance companies often rely on people’s ignorance or lack of financial resources to use legal aid in filing lawsuits and claims for fair insurance benefits. Insurers underestimate benefits or refuse to pay them, citing vague reasons. Highlighting omissions by eligible persons is another method they use. The refusals of insurance companies are unfounded and often unclearly worded. The insurance companies themselves prepare internal expertises, which are biased and unrealistic and refer to them when paying benefits.

Процедури за дерегистрация на МПС – адв. Христо Василев по Bloomberg TCV

My Experience 

I gained experience from the kitchen in a large insurance company in liquidation of damages, determination of indemnities and recourse claims. Thanks to my experience as a legal expert in DZI General Insurance AD, I won many insurance cases. All this allows me to say with confidence that I know the intricacies of insurance law. I can offer you competent legal services and filing lawsuits for the payment of indemnities under insurance contracts. Most importantly, I know the mechanism by which insurance companies refuse to pay benefits, and this gives me an advantage in litigation.

Seek your rights

The judiciary protects eligible persons and currently the compensation awarded by the court is in line with European directives. For example, in the event of a traffic accident that resulted in death, if the claim were upheld, the court would award compensation ranging between BGN 100,000 and 120,000 (while the insurer will offer you a much smaller amount). It is always worthwhile, when you have problems with insurers to obtain insurance compensation, to contact a competent lawyer or law firm to advise and guide you in defending your rights and filing insurance claims.

Insurance Law Services

We offer consultations, statements and procedural representation in disputes concerning:

  • Insurance agreement; Definition; Parties; Conclusion; Legal characteristics;
  • Rights and obligations of the parties;
  • Form of the insurance agreement; Requisites; Entry into force; Amendment; Termination.
  • Life and Accident Insurance of a third party.
  • Life and Accident Insurance in favor of a third party; Right of a third party.
  • Re-insurance agreements; Agreement elements; Relation with insurance agreements.
  • Compulsory insurance; Types of compulsory insurance; Compulsory insurance agreement.
  • Pre-contractual information; General conditions; Self participation.
  • Insurance relations; Elements; Premium; Risk; Collateral; Other rights and obligations.
  • Co-insurance agreement; Purpose; Parties; Rights and obligations.
  • Insurance event; Insurance period of validity; Inaccessibility.
  • Types of insurance; Property and personal insurance; Voluntary and mandatory insurance; Property insurance.
  • Occurrence of the insured event; Definition; Characteristics; Notification obligation; Preventing and limiting of damages; Insurance compensation; Recovery of damages. Partial loss.
  • Refusal of compensation payment; Transferring of insurance property. Applying the rights of an insured person.
  • Subscription insurance; Insurance of the transportation risk; Legal expenses insurance; Travel assistance insurance; Civil liability insurance.
  • Personal insurance; Life and Accident insurance; Group insurance; Mutual insurance.
  • Applicable law for insurance agreements within the EU and the EEA.
  • Compulsory Civil Liability insurance of motor vehicles.
  • Compulsory Accident insurance of passengers in public transportation vehicles.